Women Nutrition Workshop


Life avalanche… burnt. out.
Rediscover that fresh you, put a pause on the to-do.

Join the wait list to be the first to know when the next session is running:

Mean time, you’ll get weekly updates with my latest recipes and nutrition tips.

We have so many expectations to live up to – from children, parents, friends, colleagues, bosses, social media, and ourselves. We go mad taking care of our kids and families and careers, and have no time left to take care of ourselves.

By getting more nutrients and energy in your body – you’ll instantly have more energy available for the other stuff!

Women have some very specific nutritional needs, and they change through the various phases of our lives.

From teenagers, to adults, through pregnancy and menopause, our bodies need different nourishment.

Women are at a higher risk than men of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease when we pass menopause – but nutrition and lifestyle choices can help reduce our risk.

By learning how to fuel yourself with the nutrients and energy you need, you can set yourself for the best health possible at any age.

We need to put on our own oxygen masks, before we can properly help others.

We can learn to nourish ourselves to maintain the health and energy we need to take care of all the incredible things and people in our lives.

So… if you’re ready to give to yourself first – for once… come hang out with me for the next four weeks, and learn how to give yourself the best nutrition possible.

We’ll have a smoothie, a glass of wine, a swig of kombucha – whatever calls your name – and get you all fueled up with plants.

We’ll supercharge your meals, so you can go from feeling overwhelmed, helpless, tired… to confident, energized, revitalized, in control of your own health.

Here’s how it works

Each week, you’ll get:

  • an audio + transcript with nutritional knowledgeto show you what to do for the best health possible
  • recipes to show you how to put that knowledge into practice, in delicious plant-based meals
  • some form of movement – yoga or workout – which is optional, but is meant to help you build each week into a habit of regularly moving
  • homework and handouts to guide you, based on the info that week
  • support + accountability from me, plus the other women in the group in our private members’ forum

Whether you’re vegan, veg-curious, or even a part-time vegan – all good. I’m here for you, no matter what. My frame is from a vegan perspective, so all of my nutritional info will revolve around plant sources of nutrients plus a few key supplements, and all my recipes will be vegan.

Pre-Start: Assess + Energizing Smothies and Teas

As soon as you sign up, you’ll have instant access to a pre-course coaching call, with some tips on how to get started and some quick ideas to give you an instant energy boost.

Here’s what we’ll cover in pre-start:

  • A nourishment journal for 3 days, tracking your fuel and your mood, so that you have a starting point to look back at the end of this program.
  • Tapping in to your motivation, your WHY, to give you a strong anchor you can rely on when you feel like you might be drifting.
  • Energizing smoothies and teas that you can turn to whenever you need a boost, or as a to-go breakfast.

Week 1: Nourish + Breakfasts

You have to nourish yourself first, so you can do all the things that are important to you in your life. If it’s your responsibility to nurture others, they need you to be at your best – not dragging through the day. Creating wonderful plant-based meals to fuel yourself (and your family) can be delicious and doable.

Here’s what we’ll cover in week 1:

  • Foods to emphasize; to nourish your body, your immune system, and your energy levels.
  • Why it’s so important to give your body everything it needs to thrive, and exactly which nutrients women need to focus on – particularly when we’re overwhelmed and stressed.
  • Delicious and healthy breakfast recipes to start your day off right – whether you have 15 minutes or 15 seconds.

Week 2: Simplify + Packed Lunches

Now that we’ve bumped up the quotient of wholesome foods, it’s time to start letting go of the foods that aren’t really serving us. It doesn’t have to be cold turkey, but easing away from them releases their power over us – and puts us back in control. Also, there are some pesky times of life when our metabolisms are changing, and we start picking up extra weight. Having a strategy ready for those times can help maintain stability and avoid having to buy a new wardrobe.

Here’s what we’ll cover in week 2:

  • Foods to avoid, that may be draining your energy and nutrient levels – and what to replace them with.
  • How to break through cravings cycles, and tips for those who work from home through the day to keep from the endless snacking cycle.
  • How to anticipate and offset metabolic changes that could cause unexpected weight gain.
  • Easy packed lunches to put in your bag and give you some healthy mid-day fuel. Kid-friendly ones are flagged for school lunches.

Week 3: Supplements + Quick Weeknight Dinners

Let’s talk about which supplements to take generally, for women, for vegans, and for a few special cases for when we’re stressed or super tired. This is SUCH a simple daily routine to boost health and energy that is doable even when we don’t have time for anything else. We’ll also dive deeper into how nutrition can help us offset the risk of the most common diseases affecting women: cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis.

Here’s what we’ll cover in week 3:

  • Learn why supplements are important – particularly for women through our phases of life – and also which ones to take, and when.
  • Nutrition information to offset the risk of diseases common to women.
  • Quick and hearty dinner recipes that you can make even on a busy weeknight. Pick a few to become your new go-tos so you can make them without thinking.

Week 4: Relax + Healthy Desserts

You’ve now been taking care of your body for 3 weeks, and should be starting to feel more balanced. This is when you can start to tap into your intuition better, and make decisions from a place of clarity rather than simply reacting. Let’s take a bit more you-time, and build some practical strategies to have a huge impact on your quality of life.

Here’s what we’ll cover in week 4:

  • Easing into exercise, in a way that works for you.
  • How to work towards getting proper, rejuvenating sleep.
  • A new way to look at our stress triggers, starting to break out of our automatic reactions – and instead having a choice.
  • Indulgent – but healthy – vegan dessert recipes to relax and unwind, guilt-free.

Wrap Up: Long Term Habits + After-School Snacks

Looking back to see how far we’ve come, and looking forward to build sustainable habits to maintain your healthy, balanced life and tips to make it work in the real-world mayhem of our daily life.

Here’s what we’ll cover in wrap-up week:

  • A second nourishment journal, to compare to your starting point and give you a reference to move forward.
  • Tips on balancing healthy ideals in the real world, without compromising on our goals or our social life.
  • Ideas on how to deal with picky palates, and pleasing tastebuds while still getting nutrition.
  • Easy snack ideas to grab after work (or school), for a quick boost of energy and nutrients.

What this holistic nutrition program includes each week:

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Full-length coaching call recordings + transcripts, handouts, and assignments to give you the information and guidance you need to make real changes in your life.

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Recipes for delicious vegan meals, giving you the fuel and nutrients you need to enjoy your life. Rather than an overwhelming meal plan, you’ll get recipes to give one meal each week a healthy makeover.

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Progressive activity plan, building a little more each week, to get you moving in a fun and doable way (promise).

Your registration also includes:

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Forum for questions + support

Ask questions and get support from people like you – which can be tough if you’re the only person in your family or town who’s doing what you’re doing. We’re here for you, every step of the way.

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Unlimited Access + Downloads

The audios + recipes of the program are yours to download and keep forever! You’ll likely listen to them over and over, getting something new each time.

Join the wait list to be the first to know when the next session is running:

Mean time, you’ll get weekly updates with my latest recipes and nutrition tips.

Who’s it for?

  • If you’re a woman – or you want to learn for a woman in your life…
  • If you feel too overwhelmed by life to sort out how and what to feed yourself for proper nutrition…
  • If you’re not sure what nutrients you need to focus on to make sure you have the best health possible…
  • If you want to be vegan or plant-based, but not sure if you’re doing it right…
  • If you’re going through menopause, and want to know what diet and lifestyle tips can keep symptoms at bay…
  • If you’re worried about osteoporosis and want to give yourself the best chance of maintaining bone density as you age…
  • If you have a teenage daughter who wants to go vegan, and you want to make sure you get all the nutrients she needs to be healthy…

I’d be honored to be your guide, your nutritionist, and your friend.

Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

Heather Nicholds is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist who helps newly minted vegans (or veg-curious) fully nourish their bodies so they have the energy to enJOY their lives. Her focus is on making it happen – clarifying practical strategies, bringing flavor and fun to everyday meals, and making it all work even when we’re busy. Heather is a YouTube video personality, and has been a speaker at BlogHer Food and Toronto VegFest, and featured on Shape.com, One Green Planet, Huffington Post and Greatist.

  • LindaCarson City, NV
    Thanks for another new dimension to the information you share with us. You deliver the info so clearly. It makes me realize I can really do this and bring my life back in order.
  • GaelleParis, France
    Thanks for your great articles, they're full of precious and clear information. The thing I specifically like about them is that they're not aggressive. A lot of vegan and vegetarian websites tend to be, telling you that you're not welcome if you eat meat. All your articles are very valuable. Your recipes are so easy to follow and so delicious!!! Your website really helped me to see vegan diet differently, I used to think vegans were quite extreme, but I realized that it’s just a healthy way of living.
  • Jennifer
    JenniferRichmond BC CANADA
    I have to commend you on your body of work and the contribution you are making to teach others, like me, to navigate through the mass of conflicting and confusing information about eating healthily as a vegan, and just health in general. As a newly minted vegan, your site has been a godsend.