6 Delicious Vegan Salad Dressing Recipes

6 Delicious Vegan Salad Dressing Recipes
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

Having a solid repertoire of delicious vegan salad dressing recipes is crucial to enjoying more salads on a daily basis. When we can make meal-sized vegan salads to take to work, or enjoy on a hot summer evening, we are maxing our nutrition intake and flavor enjoyment.

We want to have creamy dressings, we want to have savory dressings, we want to have sweet-tangy dressings… we want all the options!

There are more and more prepared salad dressings in stores that are vegan – and some are even mostly whole foods based – but it’s always good to have recipes to make our own. That way, we know exactly what’s going in there, and we can tweak it to our individual tastes.

6 Delicious & (mostly) Oil-Free Vegan Salad Dressing Recipes:

basil-tahini dressing: using a creamy base of tahini+AVC/lemon juice, you can flavor this with fresh basil, or try it with curry-inspired flavors

peach & white balsamic dressing: this is a sweet-tangy dressing that’s perfect for summer salads, when peaches or nectarines are in season.

sesame-miso dressing: toss with savoy cabbage, carrots and edamame beans for an asian coleslaw, or use it for stir fries or noodle bowls.

white bean & roasted red pepper: essentially a bean dip, thinned out to make a dressing, this is a protein-packed way to flavor your salad.


creamy avocado dressing: pair it with massaged kale, spiralized/grated raw beets and/or jicama


creamy caesar dressing: pair it with classic caesar salad fixings, or branch out with kale and chickpeas and whole grain pasta!


  1. Edith Campbell 6 years ago

    Heather, you are amazing and such a beautiful person inside and out. We’ve never met in person but I can feel your genuineness. Thank you for all that you do Edith🌺

    • Author
      Heather Nicholds, C.H.N. 6 years ago

      aww thanks so much Edith, it means a lot, and I’m so glad you enjoy my videos and recipes 🙂

  2. Bernice Brown 6 years ago

    So excited to try these dressings out!

    • Author
      Heather Nicholds, C.H.N. 6 years ago

      yay!! hope you enjoy 😀


  1. […] As it gets hot outside, it’s a great time to make more vegan summer salads. Side salads are fine, but I love making a full meal in a salad bowl. Here are 6 steps to making your very own salad mountain for lunch. Bonus points if you want to make your own salad dressing! […]

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