How to Cook Chickpeas in an Electric Pressure Cooker/Instant Pot

How to Cook Chickpeas in an Electric Pressure Cooker/Instant Pot
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

Watch me cook some chickpeas in my electric pressure cooker, and answer your questions!

You can check out the book here: The Vegan Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook

Vegan Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook

Whether you’re new to veganism, new to pressure cookers, or an old pro at both, I wrote this book to give you some easy and delicious options for quick & healthy weeknight meals. There are just 5 main ingredients, so you don’t need to be fussing with anything complicated. Using an electric pressure is easier than you might think, and can cut your cooking time in half.

Available to order as a paperback or Kindle ebook!

Order the Book

1 Comment

  1. Nicole 6 years ago

    I already make a mean fried rice so I vote for the teriyaki broccoli tempeh please!

    I loved chickpeas before getting the pressure cooker but once I made my own and saw/tasted how flavorful and creamy they really can be…plus salt free…canned only gets into my food as an emergency substitute.
    I’m a household of one but I make a big batch, fill about 4 pint wide-mouthed jars w/beans and liquid (about the same volume as a can) and freeze them. Only need to take them out the day before and they still taste perfect.

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